Đầu dò gas Spectrex - SafEye 300 Series for Duct Mounting

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The Duct SafEye Open Path Detectors were specially designed and are widely used to monitor ingress of hazardous flammable gas concentrations into air intakes of turbine engines and HVAC air ducts.
Duct applications require that the small path across an air inlet responds with a very high sensitivity, full scale of 1 LEL.m for 2-6.6 ft (0.6-2 m) wide inlet and full scale of 2.5 LEL.m for 6.6-23 ft (2-7 m) wide inlet.
Special duct mountings allow a clear path across the duct and are easy to align. Due to its special optics design, it allows a misalignment tolerance of ±2°.
Fast Response 20-50 times faster than point type detectors or sampling systems.
Fast response time of 2 seconds.
- Proven Technology
- Cost Saving compared to point type detectors and sampling systems
- Fast Response
- Specially Designed to Perform Under Extreme Conditions
- Low Maintenance
- Standard Interface Options
- 1.5-Year Warranty
- Ex approval
- FM approved